the living room table is always's belle's table. for eating, for drawing, painting, playing, etc etc!
it's overused & we need a new one cause the glass is broken on one side.
we're still using it regardless.
when belle plays with the iPad, she goes on youtube & finds the most random videos. she found this one video on a tutorial on how to make an octopus using tissue rolls. it was even in spanish! she watched & showed it to me over and over again. until we one day tried it using whatever materials i had at home....

the one in the video is cuter.
cause the person used googly eyes. i don't have any.
googly eyes are much cooler!
and the video version had a closed head octopus. they put some type of cloth in the hole then blended it in with paint.
don't know what type of was in spanish!
& we made 3 of them...

then homemade play doh...
1 cup flour
1 cup water
1/4 cup salt
2 tablespoons cream of tar tar
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
play doh is always a hit no matter what age you are.
one night while i was sewing, aris & belle were playing with it & it sounded like i had 2 kids:
A: stop it belle! you have your own!
(belle stealing aris's piece)
B: YAY!!
A: fine. take it but don't bother my other play doh anymore.
(both busy. then belle takes a look at aris')
A: stay on your side belle! this is my piece.
B: no way!
haha. crazy kids.
& this is also where belle does her daily ritual of puzzle making.
she does the same princess puzzle every. single. day.
sometimes even twice or three times a day.
sometimes she and my grandma race each with their own puzzles.

finished!! the time she feels most excited is when she completes it.
then she stares & admires it. sometimes even takes pictures of it with my phone.

this was funny.
my grandma actually finished first...while belle was putting her last 3 pieces.
then i noticed that my grandma misplaced 2 pieces.
so while she was fixing it, belle finished! haha
belle waiting for her to finish. i spend a lot of my time with these 2 crazy ladies.
all they do is crack me up!