Tuesday, May 31, 2011


spent the memorial weekend with aris' family.
which means lots of pics of my favorite little ladies....
belle & aris were so into flying the kite. but it was really belle reallyyy excited about it.
then out of nowhere, the string slipped off of aris' hands and the kite flew away. it was long gone.
aris & bingle tried chasing it. belle was bummed.
love them & the fact that we are all close in height :)
& yes i got bangs.
i've contemplated it for months, but finally decided to get it because i had a giant pimple that needed to be covered. seriously.
big kudos to binh for cutting it & coming to my rescue!

wrong way little lady!
with their grandpa. so cute!
& belle loooves point & shoots.
she really enjoys taking pictures!
i gotta get that camera to show her photos.
they're kinda fun.
if anyone has a point & shoot that you're not using & willing to let go of it, belle will gladly take it!

fun weekend. as always!
& a funny story that lenee & i keeps repeating....

leila was attempting to go up the stairs.
lenee: belle, please tell leila she can't go up the stairs.
belle: leila, no don't!
leila: no!
then belle grabs aris' toy gun near her and points to leila..
belle: leila!! don't go upstairs!!!

hahaha. she's so bad!

Monday, May 23, 2011


our weather last week was so depressing.
it rained everyday. & when we had a little break..binh, belle, & i walked to the park.
she met a bunch of kids & totally played with their toys.
she has no shame.
thank goodness the kids were nice.
that striped boy on the right is sooo cute.
he & belle would put sand on each other's bucket.
when we noticed dark clouds coming our way, we had to quick walk back home.

she always says she's building a castle.a castle on wheels???

we took advantage of the $1 slippers from old navy.
i only got one pair.
binh got a few.
belle one.
my mom a few.
& karen went wild.

& has anyone seen that show, extreme couponing?!
binh & i are so into it. that we got interested on couponing.
but we are not extreme like the show.
the other day, belle was flipping through a catalogue.
my mom said, "what are you doing?"
belle: "looking coupons"
Haha..she's caught on too!

& to end the week, we were able to spend time with...
leila bear!
we met at minado buffet only for a few hours to celebrate their cousin, Baby Jakob's baptism.
our time was too short. but we plan on spending time again this weekend :)

& classic belle...

aris: belle, who do you like better? lady gaga or katy perry?
b: Charice!

belle's lip was bleeding...& she was staring at her lip in the mirror.
me: oh nooo your lip's bleeding.
b: it's lipstick.

on tv, there was someone wearing a crazy shirt with spikes on the shoulders.
b: hey, that's lady gaga's shirt!!

belle, binh, & i were watching disney's oceans.
then nemo came out & at the same time they both yelled...
binh: it's nemooo!!!
belle: clown fish!

me and binh laughed so hard.
now binh knows exactly how i felt when belle & i had the shamu/orca moment!

crazy crazy girl.

Monday, May 16, 2011

random orlando photos

aaahhhh..the life!

we have the same facial expression here. eating.

look at my brother sleeping in the corner. while everyone else is up & running.

belle & her Ate Thea...my cousin.
she and her parents flew in from texas.
"can i just enjoy my sandwich?!"
the bed was high & belle had a hard time getting down.
she would hold on like this cause she was hesitant to let go.

this was when my mom wanted all of us to go to the Holy Land on Good Friday.
really had no idea what the Holy Land was. but it was good.
all the kids were cranky at first cause it was hot. but they managed.
the person that plays Jesus on the play.
my mom & grandma got excited and ran for the pic. haha.
(& they don't run. ever)
to end the day they had a passion play.
it was powerful & crowded. that was the first time aris has seen anything like that.
he was shocked & amazed.

& for easter we went to mass.
there was crazy traffic so we were late.
when we got there we were 30 minutes early for the next mass.
we hung around..took pictures.

ced & ken's mom..my cousin, agnes.
she loves getting her picture taken. always ready for the camera.
but i would be too. if i was photogenic like her.

& my favorite pic of all....
ha ha! she wanted to go into the jacuzzi but we were all getting ready to go out.
she took off all her clothes & waited there.
the picture would be more perfect if those tables weren't there.
but it was one of those...'hurry & get the camera!!' moments.
its now my laptop wallpaper. cracks me up every time i open the laptop.