got both ideas from here.
first one she did with karen.
i drew out a tree for them with marker then they used watercolor to fill in the white space.
belle took awhile to finish hers cause she was obsessed with painting on particular parts of the picture.
you can tell here...cause parts of the tree started to bleed through the paint. haha

the second craft...
i found a circle punch on sale at michael's.
used it to punch out circles from construction paper, used as gum balls for a "gum ball machine"
this was good cause she's able to practice memorizing colors.

she wouldn't let go of the glue stick. using it was her favorite part.

multi-tasking... gluing, eating a banana & something on the tv caught her attention.
finally done!
she took days to finish this cause there's lots circles. love it!
& totally off topic...............
wiam, long lost friend & diaper buddy of mine came to visit last week before she heads home for the philippines soon.
it was her first time seeing my parents in over 10 years!
& of course binh came over.
all of us went on a field trip to target & was starving after.
we ordered pizza & binh got cookin' on some pad thai with my grandma & bing.
after dinner we had hot (MINT!) chocolate. mmmmm!!
the evidence is on belle's face.
wish we could do this more please!
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