do you see it yet???
everybody do a happy dance please!
she is officially...
& finally...
potty trained!!!!
i've been wanting to say that since........awhile!!
we started last year...in the fall.
but i felt she wasn't ready.
tried again in winter. by this time she knew the toilet was for peeing.
every time i brought her there, she'd pee.
but then the problem was...she would never tell me she had to go.
she's been wearing pull ups since.
but last week, it's been hot and she's been wearing only a shirt & pull ups at home.
and i was running out of pull ups.
& i am so sick of buying those things.
so on friday, we started consistently potty training.
& success! phewwwww. thank the heavens!!
it's so much easier to potty train during the summer.
or when it's hot.
because she's only wearing panties.
there's no pants or extra layers of clothes in the way.
that's my tip for any first time potty training moms.
potty train when it's warm/hot.
she's always out with me...so she's peed in other toilets...
at the movie theater, chipotle, cheescake factory, walgreens.
so so happy.
(happy dance!!)