it's a run/walk for cancer research.

us on the jumbo tron! im the small person between the 2 huge dudes. haha!

stef with her parents & cousin before the run.
spectators can watch on the seats. belle was with aris watching & waiting for us.
it poured early that morning. & our team's run was scheduled for 11 am.
by the time we arrived it was nice and sunny. thank goodness!!
loved that it was in Yankee stadium.
i was hoping to see derek jeter. but he wasn't there. but we were still in Yankee stadium!!
i ran with stef & kathleen the whole time. can you find us?
stef's in in black & pink...kathleen in navy.
after the run with our fancy medals!
it was seriously fun!! sweaty, hot, exhausting, but so fun!
it took us about 40 minutes to complete the 5k...about 3.2 miles.
thanks for the invite stef! we'll do another one again :)
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