Friday, September 16, 2011


i know. i disappeared for awhile. i usually blog late at night after belle sleeps....but starting in august, i've been sleeping early & waking up the blog has been accidentally put to a halt. tsk tsk.

if you're curious, you haven't really missed out anything. our days consists of oatmeal, exercise, play, watching movies, youtube videos, pinterest browsing, reading books on the iPad, random trips to new jersey, & we are starting dance school (of course for belle) tomorrow.

it's already september & it's already getting chilly!!
summer came & left. im actually fine with that...because that means those mosquitoes won't be attacking belle anymore. poor girl has bite marks all over her legs.

& here are just random photos that have been trapped in the camera....

& remember that name that recently became famous? irene??
yeah hurricane irene that made us nervous. made us run around town, panicking & preparing at the same time. well thank God it was not as big as it was expected & our town was ok. there were lots of trees that fell & broke off around the neighborhood. but for our block, we had a lot of branches, limbs, & leaves that made a mess....
considering that a lot of areas lost electricity, or flooded, or trees falling....we can't complain about that mess. thank goodness!
that's all for now :)

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