but then i saw a pic of a ruffled tree skirt on pinterest. & i was inspired!
didn't need to buy anything, just used an old tablecloth to make a circle and used left over muslin to make tons of ruffles & sewed it on. but let me tell you, it's not neat at all. it looks pretty from afar. but upclose, there are no hems or anything! the beauty of ruffles though, it's easy to cover anything ugly! AND, my mom's happy!
2. belle gets her own ornament every year. either she receives it as a gift, makes it, or picks it at the store. this year, we bought it. our last trip to wal mart, i told her to choose. she picked this....
when it comes to christmas, i'm more on the traditional side. i would much rather have her pick out a traditional ornament....but she chose that "diva" pack. haha.
the dress, the bag, all the pink! & i call her a diva all the time.
that's her 2011 ornament. diva!
3. last weekend belle & i went to my friend, Stephanie's son's 1st birthday....

Steph made sesame street character cake pops! all the kids went crazy and it was gone in seconds. belle loooved it. she loves everyone on sesame street, even oscar the grouch! i don't normally eat cake pops, but after belle licked off all the icing, i got a few bites and it was GOOD!! thanks again son! (i call steph, son. because when we went to school together, we thought it was funny how people talk in slang, call each other 'son').
birthday boy, Sean was grabbing the mic to sing along to Happy Birthday!
he's just like his mom, a singer :)
it's a good feeling to see great friends after so long! but i'll be seeing you more son, since we each have a kid now....play dates!! hehehe
haha ate kae you're so cute. i like your explanation on calling steph "son" LOL.