so anywhoo...another one of belle's gift was a superhero cape.
i found an easy tutorial here.
it was kinda funny trying to make this without her noticing so i could wrap it & have her open it for christmas.
i laid out this hot pink satin on the floor ready to cut, then she walks in & sees the fabric.
her eyes got so big & she asked, "what are you making???"
me: ummm a tablecloth.
belle: tablecloth? oh.
then she went off played & did her thing.
she never asked about it again.
when she wears this, she gets so into character, with all the jumping, whipping the cape around, runs, tries to fly, etc.

the camera really can't keep up with her when she's SuperShark!

i know you're wondering, why a cape? & why a shark?
cause sometimes she pretends to be a superhero (especially when she watches superwhy)...& when she does play, she takes my shirt & asks me to tie it around her. that's her "cape."
so i asked, "do you want me to make you a superhero cape?"
belle: yes!
me: what color?
belle: pink!!
then when i realized she needed a "logo" or letter...i was just gonna put a B. but her first name is Isabella. i couldn't decide. such a dilemma!
me: what do you want? an I or a B?
belle: B
me: Belle or Isabella?
belle: Isabella
me: so I or B??
belle: B
we were stuck!! i put the project off cause i couldn't make up my mind.
then one night, while she was playing, using my shirt as a cape, she screamed, "SUPER SHARK TO THE RESCUE!!!!"
ding ding ding! lightbulb moment.... SuperShark!

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