Tuesday, January 24, 2012


"remember disney?? and the princess???"
"ooo remember i give cookie to cookie monster???"

during new year's, i was excited for 2011 to be over. for some reason, i felt like nothing was accomplished. it just didn't feel like a fulfilling year for me.
but when i started to work on our 2011 book, i was kind of overwhelmed with all the pictures i had to put! i even told aris, "wow 2011 was pretty good after all!"
lots of blessings and plenty of memories to be proud about.
just a few of my faves....
like our first vacation to orlando...with extended family! i miss them.
the glorious moment when belle was officially potty trained!!!
that perfect day at fire island! can't wait to go back this summer.
and of course watching all those hot air balloons being launched all at once at 6am. 
which was definitely worth waking up at 4am.

she's been looking through the books everyday since we received the 2011 book.
when she finished & closed the book...i heard her say, "thats a greatest story ever!"
haha. love that she sees it as a story. which was what i was going for anyway. hehe
so true.
feeling blessed!

ps-i used mypublisher for these. I LOVE IT. love the quality, how it's so crisp & neat. they're always emailing me about special offers. and i always use the buy 1 get 1 free cause i get 2. and it saves me plenty of moolah!

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