Sunday, January 22, 2012


just when i said i couldn't wait for spring, i woke up to this.
but it wasn't a storm....just a couple of inches. enough for belle to get excited about.
she woke up HAPPY.
 my dad received this as a christmas gift. but i'm the one that uses it. currently my favorite mug.
breakfast. i love omelettes. but belle doesn't like eggs. this was her only option that day.
she didn't wanna eat. she just wanted to go outside.
and that....was then followed by a major tantrum...NOT fun.
& in the end, she ate it anyway :)
then i received this in the mail!!!
our 2011 photobook. happiness has arrived!
then aris went out to go shovel. belle followed.
i was happy inside, but belle insisted i came out...
i just took pics. it was SO COLD!!
that is one happy girl. she loves it!! she ran, rolled around, crawled and no complaints.
when aris was done i literally ran back in but went back out cause i had to carry belle inside. and she was bummed.....
"can i play in the snow pwweeeeeeaaaase???"
it was getting dark, rainy, and COLDER. so she really couldn't play anymore. she was sad till i brought out the kettle corn. our favorite!! yummm

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