I brought Belle to the doctor for her physical about a week ago. His assistant asked questions for her growth/development...& I tried not to laugh hard when I answered:
Can she run?
(HA! HA! Can she run?...she doesn't even walk anymore..she runs. No she doesn't run, she sprints!)
MHMM, yes.
Is she social with other children?
(HAA HAA! She hugs kids when she first meets them! I think she's ready for school already. Really!)
Does she scribble?
(Is this a serious question?! All our notebooks, newspapers, magazines, floors & now our walls are full of scribbles)
Yes, she definitely scribbles.
Oh geez, that was pretty funny to me!
Few days after the physical, Belle had to go get blood taken out. For some mandatory state nonsense. I think they needed 4 tubes.
OH BOY! I think this is the most dreading thing to look forward to.
We already tried a few months ago. Can you imagine?....
Belle screaming bloody murder while 3 phlebotomists hold her little arms down. NOT finding her vein, & poking her around about FIVE times and no single drop came out?
We left & nothing happened. UGHHH!
So we went again. At a different office this time. & I was really dreading it.
I brought Aris so he could hold her.
The phlebotomist tries to stay her put. No luck. Then she yells out the door, "Can I please get an arm holder?!"
A large, strong, woman comes in, holds Belle's arms down. Belle is hysterical once again.
The strong lady tries consoling her, "aww it's ok. It's ok..umm what's her name??"
Phlebotomist: "Goliath. Her name is Goliath!"
HAA! I think that was the only time I smiled. That visit ended up being a success.
Next thing I know, 4 tubes of blood were all done. THANK GOODNESS!
If you ever see us at church...don't ever sit near us. Belle is a distraction.
We always sit at the back room, where most of the kids are.
All the kids sit next to their parents. But of course, not Belle!
She wanders around, smiles at people, hugs random kids.
Then, all the other kids end up joining her and walk around & play.
& I'm so relieved when the other kids join her.
So it's not only my child being a distraction!
Me: I think Belle's ready for school. She's likes being around other kids...so social.
My dad: Yeah, & after 30 minutes, I think the teacher will surrender. The teacher will call you to pick her up cause Belle is too much!
Me: Ha, maybe!
& here are a few more bubbles pictures from my post on Mother's Day!