We spent the weekend with Aris's family in New Jersey.
And this is Belle on Mother's day morning!
This pic is for Stef....because I believe that's where Belle gets her outrageous sleeping habits!The nonstop moving, kicking, shoving, hogging of the bed, waking up in weird crazy positions...SO Belle & Stef!

signing her Mother's Day card for grandma.

Then we spent the rest of the day at cousin Leila's!
The weather that day was a big bummer...too cold & windy to go out with the girls.
We ended up staying in, ordering food, watching Baby Einstein, Nick Jr, & ate!!
A very obvious fact: Belle loves cousin Leila sooooo much....

Leila's looking! & they are both so naturally tan.

Already holding her own bottle!
Then Belle wanted to get in Leila's "hammock."
She also demanded a drink (like Leila) while she was in there. hahaha!

A blurry picture..but it cracks me up. Cause the dads are on duty!And pictures of Lenee's homemade vegetable tempura. Yuummmm..

Mango cake from Red Ribbon. Again...yummmmm!!
Thanks for having us the whooollleee day Lenee & Mike!
Can't wait for next time.
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