Me, Aris, Belle, IJ, Binh, Karen, Gavin, & Belle
I've always wanted to take Belle there since she usually starts of her mornings watching Sesame Street.
I told my cousin & she got so excited & pushed for all of us to go. (She was more excited than Gavin. hehe)
Then we found out it would be raining that Tuesday. OH WELL! We're still going!

Ha, you had us there rain!

We're HERE!

We didn't finish the whole park. Most of our time was spent in the water area.
The kids enjoyed it more.

I think the lazy river was mine, Binh, & IJ's favorite! If there were no kids, we would have stayed there the whole day.

Mike, Lenee, & Leila showed up too! They decided to come last minute.
But they left too soon. Cause it was getting hot for Leila. Oh well...NEXT SUMMER LENEE!!

The rain didn't stay long, & off the kiddos went to Count's Castle...

Watching a movie on the iPad. And of course it rained!

Look at Leila eyeing Belle's cupcake. hehehe!
Then it rained again. And all the water rides were closed for safety.
We just stayed by Count's Castle...and waited out the rain.

Maybe we spent the last 2-3 hours just hanging around Count's Castle!
It's really fun. Every where you go, there's water. It's crazy.
Aris got in there too...& that is a big deal. He usually likes to stay behind the scenes, take pics, and take care of our stuff. But he left our stuff, & went wild with Gav & Belle.
We went under that huge bucket spill maybe 15-20 times. hahah
Surprisingly, the kids like it! Even Belle! & It's pretty strong too.
On our way back home...

FUN DAY! I would definitely go again.
We should have went again since we didn't finish the whole park. Next year!
It's intended for kids but, I don't know who had more fun...the kids or us adults!? haha. There were no complaints or whining.
Since it was an overcast day, with some rain here & there...It wasn't crowded.
And I REALLY REALLY do not like crowded areas. That's my number one hesitation about going to theme parks. Oh & LINES. Waiting on lines...I don't do that.
We waited on lines for the lazy river and a tube ride...5-10 minutes each. Again, cause of the overcast day.
So overall, I recommend it. Bring your kids there. If you don't have one, then...go find a kid (someone you know, of course!) AND GO!
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