Of course, you know that we'll take advantage.
As it gets colder, it's gonna get hard to bring Bells out.
We went apple/pumpkin picking with Leila bear & Aris' parents.
It was Bells' first time. And I haven't gone in a LONG time.
T'was refreshing. Loved it!
Next time, I know to bring a wagon. To drag all the pumpkins & apples I wanna take home.

You know a trip is a success when Belle knocks out within 5 minutes of getting in the car.
I ended up with 2 little pumpkins & a couple of apples. I thought I had more apples, but then I realized we got hungry & ate some while picking.
Bell loved the huge pumpkins. But she couldn't carry them.
I wanted to bring home lots of pumpkins. But I was too lazy to carry them all the way back. (Hence, 2 little pumpkins! & next year, a WAGON is a must)
Lenee & Mike had one full basket of apples & no pumpkins.
Thanks for inviting us Len! We totally enjoyed the whole weekend spent with Leila Bear.
I wish I had Mike's camera so I can show you all the cute pics he captured of Bells & Leila.
I'll be bothering him for copies. hehehe.
It's so funny cause when we talk to the girls, we ALWAYS call Leila, Belle. & we call Belle, Leila.
Mike said to just call both of them Belleila so we don't get confused. haha.
AND we all went shopping & the girls are prepared for Halloween already!
Just wait till then. Yipeee!!
with those boots and leggings, Belle looks like a mini Kae for sure.