last week we went to a Christmas party & it was so nice to see a couple of my good friends!

i imagined her with a cute picture of her proudly displaying our masterpiece.

belle, her bff mia. & mia's brother, lukas.
I only caught their heads... but they're so cute.
mia kept making them kiss & she was pretty proud.
mia: I made Belle & Lukas kiss!!
me: oh really? do you want belle to be your sister in law or something??
mia: yeah. i want belle to be my sis cause mikayla (her sister) is mean.
Oh my goodness...I laughed so hard!
& belle got puzzles from "santa."
but i think her helpers enjoyed it more. they put it together in probably a minute.

at home...

Lenee gave me this baby ornament on belle's first christmas. love it!
& the other day belle & i got crafty.

i painted belle's hand & slowly print it on an ornament.
you're suppose to do this on those huge ornament balls, but belle's hand is small enough for a normal sized ball.
after it dried, i drew faces of snowmen on her fingers.
you're suppose to have 5 snowmen...but belle was not slow & gentle printing her hand so her 2 fingers got mushed together & made one fat snowman.
which makes...4 snowmen instead.
it was pretty funny!
i'm hoping we could do this every year. i'm curious to see how big her hand grows next year.
but she already broke 3 ornaments & i am not about to risk this one after our hard work. haha!
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