It's kind of a big deal....because I never cared about getting her ears pierced.
when people asked why her ears weren't pierced I say, "Oh whenever she wants to"
I expected her to want it when she's 6 or 7 years old...not 2!
while we were watching TV yesterday, she saw a girl wearing blue funky earrings.
she fell in love with them! then asked me for earrings.
"umm..earrings? ok i'll look in lola's room for clip ons"
couldn't find any! "how about these??" gave her a bracelet & necklace.
she smiled but then, "mommy...earrings??"
"umm okay call your dad & ask"
so we called aris. "Hi dad, earrings??"
cause aris is the one that has been against getting her ears pierced.
he thinks parents put earrings on babies to make sure they look like a girl.
then after a lot of convincing, he finally agreed.
he said as long as he's not the one to take her, then fine.
then my sister & mom come home & i tell my sister what just happened.
she said, "mom's going to the mall right now, why don't you get her ears pierced now!"
OKAY!! all of us girls went.
i was so nervous.
i was scared she wouldn't sit still & we'd be sent home with naked ears.
we picked out her birthstone.
& when it was time, she sat still & was totally clueless.
THANK GOD they pierce both ears at the same time.
if they didn't, we would've been going home with one earring.
1..2..3....tears. & more tears.
but when the lady handed her the mirror. she stopped crying!
belle was soooo happy. she happily waved & said, "BYEE!" to the girls who pierced it.
& every person that came home, she would say, "look!! earrings!!" (points to her ears)
also, when she sees other people with earrings, she has to point it out.
that's a big deal!!
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