i tend to do last minute shopping on my birthday every year.
& that's what happened again.
i had a day of shopping, lunch with binh (thanks binh!!), & 2 trips to target...

my mom & grandma were cooking up a storm for dinner & christmas.
nothing beats their food.
we ate & were in a food coma until we went to midnight mass.

she was SO HAPPY. quickly took off her clothes & got dressed.

after midnight mass, we opened presents.
& belle had been eyeing binh's big box for her.
i had to hide it in the closet cause she attempted to open it a couple of times.
& when it was time....she went so wild.
it was a treasure chest with disney princess outfits with a crown, slippers & fake jewelry.
she kept posing for the camera & it was the funniest thing ever.
she rarely does that. but i guess princess gowns can do that to you.
we went to bed around 2am & woke up at noon on Christmas day.
Christmases are usually lazy days.
we spent the day eating & watched the knicks game, despicable me, & eclipse.

these tap shoes was part of my christmas gift for belle.
my mom originally wanted to get her ballet shoes but they didn't have her size.
but i saw these tap shoes in her size & i knew she'd love it.
cause she likes to wear my heels cause of the sound it makes...
so i was sure she'd enjoy the taps these shoes make.
i was right :)
& as we all know...it snowed like crazy on sunday.
belle was able to play & go crazy in the snow the next day when it finally stopped.
but that deserves its own post tomorrow.
hope everyone had a great Christmas!!
i don't like that picture of the bulls/knicks game... lol *dislike haha