Spent the weekend in NJ with family. Very fun! Chronological order is boring & overrated. So the next posts won't be in that order.
I'm a fan of TLC's show, Cake Boss. Lucky me, the bakery's town (Hoboken) is near Aris's house. So it's only right that we pass by while we're in town.
Bingle & I went in with Belle to order some cupcakes and their famous pastry, lobster tail.
As Bingle is ordering, she was staring at the red velvet cupcakes.
The sales woman asks: Is there anything else?
Bingle: Can I please get 3 red lobsters?
What? Red lobsters??
The woman didn't hear.
Me: It's not red lobster! It's lobster tails!!
Bingle: OH! Can I please get 3 lobster tails?
Bingle: I was staring at the red velvet, that's why I said red lobster!
We burst out laughing. Thank goodness the sales woman didn't hear.
Almost done ordering. Then all of a sudden I hear, "Hello cutie! Hi! Hi!"
I look over, & there's Buddy. Host of the show! He's talking & playing with Belle!
He looks over at us & "Hi guys, I'm buddy"
Bingle: Hi! Belle watches you on tv
Buddy: Really? Thanks so much!
Me: The only time Belle stays up past 10pm is to watch your show.
Buddy: Awww
Me: You're so...(couldn't figure out the word)...Artistic! (what?! I'm a loser!)
Buddy: Thank you. Thank you guys for stopping by!
He steps back to have a conversation with someone.
Bingle: Let's take a picture with him!
Me: My camera's in the car.
Bingle: I have mine!! I'll take a picture of you guys.
Me: What? I'll take the picture! I'll sweat bullets.
Bingle: Me too!
Me: Let's just have him take a picture with Belle!
Yay! Buddy was so nice. By the time we were leaving the bakery, it was getting crowded. And I'm pretty sure he greeted everyone there. He's that nice.
I don't know what's better: Getting a picture of Buddy & Belle or the bakery's goodies!

Thanks Bingle for coming with & luckily having your camera. And thanks to Aris for taking us there. (He was jealous he didn't go in after he saw the picture of Buddy & Belle!)