Everyone knows I love polka dots. It's fun & playful. Ever since I've had Belle, I think I love polka dots even more. It's everywhere when we shop for babies!
At JCPenney, I found a red polka dot dress & wanted it for Belle. I was pretty bummed when I picked it up, noticed it was for a 6 month old and it was the only one left!
The other day I went to the fabric store, saw the same polka dot print, purchased a lot of it, & made a dress for Belle.
I call it a play dress.

I made the straps tie-able so when she grows out of the dress, it can be used as a top.

At this point, she was trying to watch tv & I was in her way.
I have a lot more fabric left over. Don't be surprised if you see more red polka dot clothes. I'm already tempted to make another dress!
I was trying to have Belle stand still so I can take a quick picture, but this time, she was walking & taking the most steps I've seen her do. I was applauding & taking pictures at the same time. I like to believe that it was the dress that got her walking!
Yep, it was the dress that made her more confident to walk.