to aris!!!!!
can't spend the day with him cause he has work but we'll celebrate another time.
with some buffalo wings. even though i don't eat that, but that's what he wants to do.
eat at a restaurant called buffalo wings.
we are both very different but i love it.
he likes to go to museums.
he likes nature.
he is full of random facts about animals, trees, history, people, etc etc.
did i ever tell you that when we started to hang out, he would always want to go to barnes & noble??
he'd get a bunch of magazines, get starbucks & just sit there for hours.
belle gets her smart brain from him.
& he is a very simple person. which is perfect because i tend to be...not simple.
he spoils belle & i (whooo!!)...i love it!
still my favorite family pic. hehe

halloween '09

i was suppose to post this picture awhile ago but i forgot!
doesn't it crack you up?
we were bored just watching tv. then i said, "let's take that family pic we did when belle was still little"
& after taking it..we compared the pics & laughed!!
i didn't realize i was wearing gray again...& aris was also wearing one of his infamous brown shirts (he has like 10 of them)
so funny!
so cheers & happy birthday again !!
belle & i are very happy you were born.
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