simply by cutting construction paper & gluing.
making a picture out of it.
dancing while binh bakes vegan oatmeal cookies. yummy!

she uses the bottle only to drink milk.
we started to make flowers but instead, belle said she wanted to make binh's house.
she enjoys going there. if i need to quickly run errands, belle goes to binh's & doesn't wanna go home afterwards. pretty sure cause binh has a dog. haha

after i glued the door...she said, "stairs! stairs!!" sheesh.
i cut out a sun. then she said..."noo..moon & stars!!"
if i had known she wanted moon & stars i would've used black construction paper. haha
then i cut out belle & binh. and she drew happy faces on them.
please don't mind my chicken ankles.
my first pair of sneakers since high school.
i finally started to work out.
when i first started, i had everything i needed...
dvds, yoga mat, water, weights.
then i realized....i don't have sneakers!! so i used my mom's old work sneakers until i got a new pair. i love them.
& belle wanted sliced fresh plain cucumbers.
this is a tragedy for belle. but a happy moment for me.
because belle's nipple from her bottle is "bwoken"
she won't accept milk from anything but her bottle.
but since it's broken...
she has no problem drinking water or juice from the sippy cup.
i put soy milk in there & told her it was juice.
(had to lie so she can drink it. she likes juice cause she drinks it occasionally)
she liked it then i told her it was soy milk after.
she still liked it ;)
last week was pretty weird.
belle was off. she was being weird for the most part.
she wouldn't listen, doing the opposite of what i wanted her to do.
she wasn't horrible or out of control. just stubborn & restless. she's not like that.
it tested my patience.
on sunday, when i was getting frustrated, belle did the unthinkable....
she pooped in the toilet.
it was her first time & i was really excited.
she peed on the potty plenty of times before but never pooped.
she pooped in the potty & moved to the sippy cup.
i am really happy about that. i've waited for awhile.
& i forgot all the drama earlier.
thank all the heavens above!
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