been doing & planning all sorts of things.
& aris has been repeatedly telling me, "when are you gonna blog?"
"hurry up & blog"
"here, take pics so you can blog!"
ok. for now on, i will make a lot more of an effort to document our lifestyle & family.
i will!!!
so here are a few pics of this week so far.
which messes up our sleeping schedule.
we usually wake up around 9. when belle & i wake up & see that its still dark, we think its still early then go back to sleep.
then when we woke up...looked at the clock, it was 11 already! ugh!!

first, red mango! mmmm.
this is funny to me.
i passed by & my brother & aris are watching the tinkerbell movie???
2 guys who talk about nothing but working out & getting into shape are watching tinkerbell.
& if you can't tell...they're laughing & smiling.
pretty sure they were enjoying it more than belle.
a quick trip to the outlet...
mine & belle's favorite.

still patiently waiting for spring weather.
because aris likes to do the opposite of what belle & i do.
he skipped red mango & settled for dunkin.
tired of all these layers & puffy jackets.
my favorite time to shop....on a weekday when no one is there.
we stopped by carter's. something caught belle's attention that she was begging me to take her off the stroller.
& she wandered off....

are you surprised she took those wings home??
i guess she still had tinkerbell in mind cause she needed wings.
when we're out....belle can be one of those kids that people think is so funny & cute OR make people not want to have kids.
im one of those moms that everyone stares at...the mom with the loud child.
so it can be a bit hard to shop sometimes.
she is extremely loud & likes to wander.
she doesn't want to hold my hand. & won't stay on the cart/stroller long.
she wandered around after she found those wings...& when i saw the store had a lego table, i was relieved.
she sat down with aris for a good 10-15 mins while i take a look around.
& of course, when she built something nice, she'd scream, "MOMMY!! LOOK!! A CASTLE!!" MOOOOMMMM LOOOOOOOK!!!"
i swear she has a built in microphone.
she was jumping & i heard her say, "dad, i can't fly! can't fly daaaad!"
(thanks a lot tinkerbell!)
& this was the day she was SO hyper. the most hyper she's ever been...

after her nap.
she danced & did crazy moves forever & took a late nap.
i was so tired that day. my eyes were going down at 8pm already.
& this is from last week....honey shrimp & walnut!!
binh & i made this last week & it is so. freakin. good.
it all started when we went to a chinese restaurant after the museum of natural history.
bingle & i were craving shrimp & walnut the whole day so i was excited to eat it.
so after we ate & got the bill, & aris was wondering why it was higher than he expected.
he was staring at the receipt & was calculating, then...
"the shrimp & walnut was $24.95???"
me: yes...
a: what?! $24.95 for that???
bingle: but we all ate it! it's so good.
a: but $24.95!!
then he went on & on the rest of the day (& night) how he couldn't believe that the shrimp & walnut was $24.95.
few days later i was home & said, " i want shrimp & walnut again. i want to learn how to make it"
a: yeah you should learn because i'm not ordering that again.
it was surprisingly easy that someone who is incapable of cooking like me...was able to do it successfully. i'm still shocked.
i first made it with my grandma.
then made it again with binh the next week.
everyone at home loved it. except my dad cause he's allergic to shrimp.
yum yum!!
Outlet in Deer Park?
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the recipe... I am going to forward it to my chef!
Is that the outlet at Tinton Falls? Looks similar. Haha! I saw the wings at Carter's too but did not get it for Mia. Bought the pink and grey tutus instead and the pink ballerina shirt.