Everyone notices. People that see her everyday, & people that doesn't see her often.
Everyone says the same thing...."OMG She's getting big"

She does so much things. She has fun new tricks up her sleeves, it's hard to keep up.
Here's the latest...
-Thanks to a Baby Einstein DVD Aris bought, she can do a little sign language. She can say baby, ball, milk in sign language.
-She loooves music. & she dances!
-Belle knows how to use a bag. If she sees a bag with a handle, she'll put it on her arms & wave bye...
Of course using one of the reversible bags ;)
-Every animal she sees...she thinks is called a dog. And she pronounces it "DA!"
-She pronounces ball.."BO" Everything circular & round according to Belle is a "BO."
-She climbs ANYTHING. Tables, sofas, chairs, attempting the counter. This is the dangerous one. She knows how to climb up to the stove too. BAD! But I swear, it's rare. She climbs up the sofas the most.
-She can be a picky eater sometimes. Most of the time she spits out the meat. She likes soup mostly, fish, fruits, veggies :)
-Skip the sippy cups, she prefers an actual cup! She can drink from a cup/glass. BUT she doesn't know when to stop & all the water goes to her shirt...
Even if her clothes are wet, she enjoys it!
-She's an actress. She laughs & the next minute, puts her sad puppy eyes on & starts to cry.
-She has this fake laugh....that is so funny to hear. NO one can try to sound like it.
-Belle likes playing hide & seek. She likes it better when she hides.

-She is a people person. She likes being around kids. She will go up to any child & start her own jibber jabber conversation.
-She often tiptoes. Have no idea why. But Aris said..( & I'm pretty sure he's right) it's cause she pretends she's wearing heels.
-Belle sleeps early now! Around 8ish..like all normal kids do. She now sleeps early cause she naps only once during the day. Before she would nap twice, then sleep around 11-12ish! I prefer this new routine much much better.
Crazy! How big she is. I underestimate her sometimes.
It can be hard...since she's always on the move, touching everything, & of course the climbing. It's hard to keep your eye off her.
BUT she is so fun, she makes everyone laugh.
Times like these is exactly why I started the blog!
I want a copy of that first photo you have of Belle, where she is standing against the wall. She is adorable.
ReplyDeleteshe seriously is so much bigger compared to when i last well more like the only time i saw her.. she's feeding herself now and everything and that was less than a year ago! craziness!! hopefully i can go to ny this summer and we can all hang out! and that bag that she's carrying super adorable and it looks huge! i like huge bags haha miss you guys!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy every minute... she is precious!