AHH It's my favorite time of the year!

I'm hopeful that 80% of this stuff gets checked off.
For Memorial Day, Klarissa invited us to go swimming at her aunt, Tita Tina's (Stef & Kathleen's aunt too!). Of course I jumped on the invite! Last time we went there was last July.....

It was just me, Belle, Klarissa, & Tita Tina's daughter, Katrina swimming last time.
But this time there was pleeenty of kids!

Belle swimming & eating an egg roll. Multi tasker :)

These boys were laying there for awhile with their toy guns. They were aiming at.....God knows what. But they looked cute!
If your kid's not in the pool, look for them in the playground! I told Tita Tina that she should open up a summer preschool in her backyard. What kid wouldn't enjoy??

I know they're blurred/out of focus, but I thought this pic was pretty funny. Klarissa running, carrying this 25+ lb child, her sunglasses falling, etc. haha!
Thanks again for inviting us Klarissa!....And of course to your family for always welcoming us!!
And yesterday Binh, Belle, Mia the dog were stuck in the house. We were HOT! I don't have a pool....But I do have a hose, sprinkler, & water. And that's all I needed to keep us cool for awhile...

Belle & Mia ran straight to the sprinkler and got sprayed like crazy. It was funnnyyy!
Oh & I can cross off 'sprinklers' off my summer list too. YESSS!
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