To celebrate, Binh & Stef came over the day before to cook dinner.
Hard at work!! ...& Belle too!
Karen working on the eggplant parm.
Stef on the mashed potatoes.
Binh on another tray of eggplant. hehe
We found my leopard fabric & went with it...

Stef loves orange & bikes. So I combined the two & voila!!
That was new. We usually go out to eat, but this time was different. Everything was made from scratch, & the girls were in the kitchen for 6 hours!

Binh had to go out cause we were missing a few ingredients.
Stef couldn't go on without a missing she napped!! With my JOY pillows. haha.
Cucumber & shrimp for spring rolls. YUM!
Karen made my cake. Binh makes this cake every year for my birthday! Ever since high school.
After eating, & being stuffed & bloated, we set up a little photobooth on the side & took pics.
Trying to not be joyful! Haha
words that are in joy...
OR! J upside down is r!
And little miss Belle joined in too...
I think we had too much fun doing that.
We were tired. Then they opened my gifts for them. I was worried they wouldn't like it, but they did. I'm GLAD they liked it. That made me happy.

I stenciled the tandem bike using fabric paint.
Binh loves make up. She has A LOT. Mine & Stef's make up bags compared to hers looks weak & pathetic. She mentioned to me awhile ago that she needed something to hold all her brushes.
I used felt & fabric for this one.
Stef told us that her sister & Stacie only give gifts to each other that are handmade. Binh said, "We're gonna do that too guys!! Only handmade gifts for now on!"
We laughed and BInh said, "Next year, it's gonna be battle of the crafts!" HA!
Stef's gifts for us was apple pie that she baked....which is totally finished. My family enjoyed it!
THANK YOU both for slaving away in the kitchen & for spending time with Belle & I! You guys are the best. I know you guys were worn out, but you stayed till midnight just to sing Happy Bday. This should be my birthday present every year! HA... :)
I was suppose to go out & take pictures of my cousin & uncle, but Belle kept opening the door & wanting to go out. So I dressed her up, & she's out again.

She's always going to the kitchen. But we always take her out cause it's not safe.
That evening, family from Texas flew in for the holidays. And the next morning, they wanted to take pictures with the snow.
Althea was a total model. She had lots of poses with the snow. But this one is my fave.
During the majority of my birthday, my mom sent me out for some last minute Christmas shopping. That is SO my mom...last minute!
Then we got home & made a gingerbread house with my sister, Binh & Althea.
While making the house, we were watching Extreme Forensics on the Investigation Discovery channel. I thought that was funny. Watching how they solved murders while decorating a gingerbread house! Weird combination...but they were loving it.
The end results...
Althea spelled out BELLE using gummy worms. I love it!
We were watching Extreme Forensics until we had to go to midnight mass. After midnight mass, it was time for..........

Belle was having the time of her life! & she had the most presents to open.

I needed to use flash cause she was getting too fast opening her gifts.
What a mess. She got a little kitchen, shopping cart, toys, & clothes!
(Hi KIT! Do you see her pulling out your Hello Kitty outfit??
On Christmas day we stayed home in our pajamas. Ate lots of food. We watched Up twice, & Cavs beat the Lakers.
Taking pictures for their facebook. Facebook addicts!!
And Belle was busy playing with her new toy....

So Aris bought her this cute little Mickey Mouse kitchen. Belle loves it. My mom & Belle was cooking all morning!
Then we played Scrabble!

That was funny. My dad is so competitive & knows too many words. He was telling Tito Al to turn his letters around so he has blanks (cheater!!). Althea kept track of the scores, then later gave the job to my dad. And my dad was adding wrong! But in the end, Tito Al won! My dad second, & I had last. haha!
While we scrabbled, Belle was cooking again!
Althea's family gave Belle a shopping cart filled with groceries. She was taking all the grocery boxes & putting them in the oven.
Belle was playing with Binh's phone, then Karen found it later in the little oven.
What a long post!! It's been a long couple of days. It was relaxing, didn't go out, & ate so much food. I've gained 3 pounds already!! Ahhhh!
Aris was missing cause he's busy at work during the holidays. But it's ok, he'll be around for New Years.
Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!