Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving & NJ

We spent almost all of last week in NJ. We celebrated Thanksgiving & did tons of stuff. Here are the pictures. There's a lot!
That's Nicholi. Aris' cousin's son. He's a math genius. He's in kindergarten & is already multiplying! That's what happens when you have both your parents as accountants.
Love Lenee's big belly in that polka dot dress!

Playing with the tunnel.
Aris inside: "Hey hurry up!! Belle's trying to go down! Get this tunnel off. She's so heavy! I can't hold her!"

How cute is this ear cover?? It looks like a hat but it's an ear cover. Got it at a craft fair.
It's actually mine. But it looks better on Belle. Fine. We can share!

We went to Ikea just to eat. Aris loves their food. Last time we went there to eat, I was still pregnant. So imagine how excited he was to go there.
The we roamed around...
Belle got attached to this bed. It's really cute!She cried when I carried her off. Next time Belle! In a few years...

We walked out to the sunset. Pretty!

After Ikea these two were engrossed in Baby Einstein.
Lenee bought Belle books. She actually sits & listen. I couldn't believe it!"Hey! Stop distracting!"

Bath time was funny...
Her hair keeps growing so we're having more fun!
Our last night there so Mike was hugging Belle bye. She looked at the camera & made this face. haha.

And is it really December already?? Cause I'm excited for Christmas! Family & friends are flying in, lots of food, christmas decor, presents, & Belle will be celebrating along. Last year, she was only 2 months old...slept through everything in her Santa suit. But this year, she can open presents, eat everything, and pull the decorations off the tree...Uh oh.

Presents...Trying to go different this year with the presents. I'm attempting to make everyone's present or add something personal that I know they'll (hopefully) like! It's a fun challenge.

1 comment:

  1. You look like you had a lovely Thanksgiving!
    Love the pics esp. the one with the tunnel :)
