What we woke up to yesterday:

My dad & sister gearing up to shovel away.
My brother. He didn't want to go out & help. So he said he was on the verge of getting sick.
Ahhh snow. It's nice to look at. It looks so peaceful & clean.
But when I'm outside with it...can't stand it. I could last for a maximum of 10 minutes.
When my dad went out, he took a couple of pics.
That was funny to watch!
Belle kept staring outside & kept going to the door. She wanted to go out too. She's never dealt with snow before.
So I bundled her up and brought her out for a few minutes.
It looks like a gap ad! haha
"Her face is wet!" "It's so cold! Bring her back in!!" "Her clothes are all wet" "She can't handle it!"
Actually I couldn't handle it. So I brought her back in with me. And she cried. She wanted more.
My mom was trying to get me to bring her back out, but I thought it was too cold.
But about an hour later, she was out again! In her halloween chicken costume. Cause her other clothes were wet. (That costume is so warm. I love it)
She was laughing & screaming! They all had fun! And I had fun watching. haha
Everyone was laughing about how Belle could stand the cold more than I can. She was a trooper!...like it wasn't even cold. She must get that from Aris. I was surprised! She was forced to come in both times.
Then when we got in...
That was fun. The snow was good to me this time!
The night it was snowing, my mom was driving home from work. It was getting pretty bad. My dad kept calling..checking up on her. And she made it back safe & sound after driving 30-40 mph for about almost an hour on the highway!
Also thank goodness Binh & Nicole made it back safe & sound. They traveled with the blizzard. Such troopers. I don't think I could've survived!
When it snows, that means no one will see Aris cause he's crazy busy at work keeping the planes safe in the crazy weather. Be safe & warm!!!
And..Christmas is this week!!!
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