You can see here how Belle is a total big girl now. She is growing up crazy fast!
She just woke up in the morning. Lovely morning hair.
Belle has a thing for cleaning. First the swiffer. Then she is always going after the broom..& looks for the dustpan. Of course she can't touch the dustpan cause it's ridiculously dirty. So I got her a gift....
Her very own little dustpan!!
She is my mom's shadow. She always follows her & watches her cook.
My mom throwing out the dirt...
Then she copied.
Next morning, she grabbed her trusty dust pan & " cleaned."
The night before, Binh baked cupcakes, and Belle wouldn't stop eating it. (Who could blame her?!)
But that morning, I prepared her breakfast, sat her on the highchair, & then she saw it.......
The cupcakes sitting on the table!!!
She wouldn't eat any of my prepared breakfast until she had a cupcake first!
"Must eat every single sprinkle"

What a great way to start your day right!??
Sometimes I hesitate to put Belle's hair in a ponytail cause she will most likely take it off, which will result to her hair in a big mess...
Where's Belle!!??
HAHA! Don't worry, don't call the cops on me. I swear I didn't put ALL my weight on her.
She likes when I lay on her I'm the baby.
Last night, Binh came over, made sweet potato casserole & red velvet cupcakes.
Thanks Binh :)
And I adore this last picture....
Seriously, my heart will melt if she ends up being an artist :D
She's growing up so so fast. So independent, she points to what she wants, sleeps around 11-12 midnight. Like she's a teenager! And she is quite the entertainer.
I wonder what she'll be up to next??