I said on my previous post that he'd spend it at my sister's tennis tournament. But he didn't do that. Cause he was too nervous to watch. So my mom was the only one who watched. While he spent most of his day on Facebook!
My sister ended up winning. That was her present! haha
He was so proud. And wanted to eat at Red Lobster.
While we were there, he couldn't stop watching the Jets vs. Chargers game. He got nervous again. And they won too!
He was real happy...
Belle didn't want to sit next to Aris & I. She wanted to sit by my dad!
And we found red frosting in our cabinet..then Binh changed the PP's to BB's! ha ha..

Belle butted in. Cause she turned 15 months that day too.

AHH! My fabric scissors!!
Don't worry, my mom handed him a knife before he could "cut."
This is funny...
I was getting ready for bed & when I walked in my room, I found Aris & Belle asleep like this!
I had to quickly (& quietly) take a picture without waking them!
Cracks me up!!
Awww... tell Tito Boppy I said Happy Belated Birthday!