Thanks for ALL the fun ideas, & words of encouragement.
I feel more motivated & excited!
And nervous too. Knowing I'm making something that someone will pay for?!! aaahhh!
My first project is for Nicole :) I'll get started soon. Whoo hooo!
I'm currently in NJ right now. Catching up with family in this new year.
AND...Belle & I finally met LEILA!

Late in the afternoon, both Belle & Leila took a long nap.
Nap time is break time for Lenee & I!...which we spent our time watching soap operas.
She's soo cute. Sooo tiny. When I see her wear Belle's newborn clothes, I get shocked.
WHAT?! Belle was that tiny!? Crazy!!
Like all newborns, she just sleeps the majority of the day. I have to get a picture of her awake soon!!
She's one big eater. And rarely cries. When she does cry, it doesn't even sound like it.
When Belle was watching her in her crib, Belle put her feet up & almost climbed in. Scarryyy!
I also love when Belle smiles at her & pokes her face. They'll be partner in crimes one day. UH OH.
So who needs those kiddish couches when you have this....
After we gave her a bath, Aris brought the tub in the room to put away. But Belle climbed in, and stayed there to watch Baby Einstein.

Put her leg up..cause she's a diva.
She was in there for awhile. I enjoyed watching her in there. Hehehe
After Baby Einstein, the 2 had a tickling fest on the bed.
Tickle spot: Her neck.
We'll probably be here until the end of the week...having some Leila time.
PS: Thanks again my Kariselle-ers! You guys are the BEST.
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