Friday, January 1, 2010


Can you believe it!!?

On New Years Eve, the family just stayed home.
Totally relaxing but I woke up to amazing news that morning!!!
Leila was finally born on New Years eve around 8am! A New Years baby!!
We all guessed she would come around Christmas, but she proved us wrong. I'm sad Belle can't visit at the hospital. But we'll all go to NJ when she comes home from the hospital.
Can't wait!... Congratulations Mike & Lenee!!!

That evening...
Belle played while Binh made sangria.

While Belle took a quick nap, we played Clue. We've been in a board game faze lately. It's cold out & we really don't have the energy to battle the cold. We just stay in & play!
My brother always gets thrown out of the game. hehe..sorry King!
Binh won this one. She beat me to it!

And Belle woke up in time for the countdown.
3..2..1...Scrabble time!
I gave up quickly, cause the letters I got were crazy.
So this game was between Karen & Binh. The score was 201 & 200.
Could the game be any closer?! Karen won this one. Because she depends on the dictionary & uses bizarre words.

We all slept around 1. And we woke up at noon today.
YES BELLE WOKE UP AT NOON! That is a first, the latest she's woken up, & sort of a miracle. Haha!

We played hide & seek. Belle always seeks. And won't close her eyes while we hide.
Where's Karen???

Where's Karen again??
Got you again!
Then Belle starts hiding. Of course in her favorite part of the house. The kitchen!

After a bunch of rounds of hide & seek..Belle got tired...
Pretending to sleep. Who sleeps smiling? Ha!
This part was funny..Belle sneezed. Karen said, "Bless you!"..Then Belle laughed hard!
We all started laughing!

Happy New Year to everyone!!
2009 quickly passed & the holidays just went by in a flash! How sad.
But every year just keeps getting better & better. So I'm eager to see what this year has for me & my family.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you and your Family!
    Love your blog... keep up the good work!
