Friday, November 13, 2009

Ocean & Hudson

Hello! Meet Belle's new friend, Ocean...
Ocean is the son of one of Aris' friends. Belle met him last weekend. He's 7 months old. And he has more hair than Belle! I also love his cool!

When they first met. (Don't mind Belle's elf-like outfit)
"Uh mom? Ocean is still touching me"

This super fluffy dog greeted us when we walked in. Belle grabbed his fur really hard. Poor dog. He was nice!

Same facial expressions
Caught up on a TV show. It wasn't even a baby/kids show, it was a Filipino soap opera! hahah

Aris joked about the way Ocean crawls. He crawls military style!

Ocean was loving the camera. Look at him posing! Belle didn't care for the camera, but Ocean had Bingle going for the camera!

Till next time Ocean! Thanks for letting Belle take charge of your living room.

The next day, this puppy kept Belle company.
Meet, Hudson. He's a boxer. His parents are Jeff & Bingle. He's a little wild. But he's a puppy, so it's okay to be wild sometimes. And Belle was not afraid. She always had her eyes on him.Don't worry, Hudson was not about to bite Belle here. I think he was yawning.
"Where'd Hudson go??"

sniff sniff
Hudson, the genius!

And thanks to Bingle for taking most of these pictures.

Belle & I had a long stay in New Jersey since last week. Spent time with family & I feel like we did a lot cause it felt tiring. I think I'm just getting used to Belle walking everywhere & me having to chase her! We all took turns having to chase after her & we were beat. Especially Lenee with her round swelling belly almost ready to pop. Lenee was even chasing after Belle go up the stairs...which didn't last long. Oh yes, Belle knows how to go up the stairs. Never gives me a break!

More on NJ soon :)

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