Goodbye walker. We don't use the walker anymore. Because it's dangerous. She runs into your feet or ankles. She learned how to get out. When she sees something on the floor, she'll somehow try to get it. You take your eyes off her, and I don't even know what will happen.
Reading Belle?? I believe that's a Target catalogue she grabbed from the table.

Bingle & Jeff gave this tent & tunnel gift for Belle's birthday.
It's still big for Belle, but nothing is stopping this little lady!
She was hesitant to go at first. She just kept looking at me through the other side.

I wasn't kidding when I said she could wear this chicken jacket as a "normal" jacket.
From behind, it doesn't look costume-y at all.
In the car. Belle sometimes hates being in the car seat. She has to be occupied with something for her to sit quietly in there. We have no dvd player in the car. Thank goodness I thought of going on Youtube so she can watch Baby Einstein. She is so quiet when watching. I was holding the phone for awhile until Aris had a genius idea to squish it on his headrest. Genius!
After 10 minutes of just staring inside, she finally went in. (Just an FYI: yes, she's wearing a bathrobe. Because it's more comfortable than a sweater for her)

And she made it!

Can you believe I set this tent up myself? It's really easy. But I'm not one to just set up tents!

I let Belle have a cupcake. All by herself. No help involved.
She makes it look delicious. And look at those cheeks.
Aris & Belle ready to leave for a doctor's appointment.

Happy weekend!
I want to come over and play in the tent!