And can you believe that I'm ready to go to bed around 8:30 these days?? Last time that happened was when I was still in elementary! That just proves how much Belle wears me out. She's learned to run before she could master walking. Who knew that was even possible??
I've been a little whiny. Because it's Monday & I haven't seen New Moon yet. I was planning on watching it during the weekend but this whole teething thing makes it hard for me to leave Belle. And I feel bad for my grandma who has to watch her. I think that'd be too much for my grandma to handle. Aris says I sound like a 12 year old waiting & whining to watch New Moon. He's right. But just like the rest of the Twilight world, I've been waiting for this to come out for awhile!
Belle's first name is actually Isabella.
& I get this question a lot...."Did you name her after Bella from Twilight??"
Umm, no. I actually started reading Twilight while I breast fed. When I read the first page & saw "Isabella", I started laughing. But I joke saying that Belle's a vampire cause she's pretty & pale. hehehe!
Ok, no more talking nonsense. Here are pics while the lawn was getting cleaned up. And Belle took part!

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